Important note: The statements made in this paragraph about the cover provided by Flip insurance for accidental injuries and the amount of benefits payable relate to the Flip Active product dated 31 May 2023. That product was withdrawn and replaced with the new Flip Active product on 27 June 2023, which has a different scope of cover for accidental injuries. These statements do not describe the scope of cover under that new product. Please refer to the current Product Disclosure Statement for details of that cover.
You asked, and we listened. Flip’s popular accidental injury insurance is now available for kids.
What is Flip Kids?
Flip Kids is a brand new accidental injury insurance product for kids aged 5-17. Parents and legal guardians can buy Flip Kids for $7 for a single day, $25 for a week of cover, or $40 for a monthly subscription.
‘When we asked our customers - ”How can we make Flip better?” - parents asked to be able to cover their kids. Active Aussie kids cop their fair share of injuries, and parents told us they want peace of mind that Flip will have their back when the falls, knocks and stacks happen.’
Five ways Flip different from other insurance
- Flip is on-demand insurance, meaning you don’t need to sign up for an annual policy, you can just get cover for the days, weeks or months you feel there’s more risk of injury.
- Because it’s short-term cover, it’s really affordable. Let’s say your child is competing in a triathlon and you’re a little concerned they’re going to injure themselves. You can buy Flip Kids for a single day for $7, which is probably less than you’ll pay for parking.
- Flip is 100% digital so you can sort the cover on the go. With that upcoming triathlon, you can book Flip Kids ahead of time if you’re an organised type, or sort it out in a few clicks as you pull up at the event.
- If your child excels at finding creative ways to injure themselves, rest assured Flip Kids will provide cover for them doing (almost) any activity, from footy or netball to pogo sticking, attempting to fly or no-hands bike riding.
- You can use Flip Kids with other insurances for extra protection, and if you do need to claim, you can claim online in minutes. Most claims are processed within one business day, so busy parents can get on with the rest of their to-do list.
(not so) Fun facts about kids and injuries
Having accidents is part of being a kid, but injuries can be expensive. Flip Kids can help soften the blow when your number comes up.
In 2019-20, for instance, there were:
- 40,322 hospitalisations from injury for children aged 5-14
- 63% were male
- 17,789 hospitalisations from sports injuries for young people aged 5-19
- 45% from cycling
- 25% from ball sports
- 10% from roller sports
SOURCE 2019-20 Injury stats AIHW
What parents are saying about Flip Kids
Cover for the incidental costs of injury.
My kid Sam is on the school ski team. He does giant slalom, and had a spill a couple of years ago and twisted his leg. Our private health insurance covered most of the medical stuff, except for some physio gaps. But it’s the incidental stuff that’s the killer. He couldn’t ski the week out, so we had to skip the (already paid-for) bus ride and get him off the mountain. Flip Kids would’ve saved us by contributing to those costs.
BEN - Sam’s dad

Flip Kids would have helped with out-of-pocket expenses
Isobel was playing in a netball tournament at school and collided with another player. She fell awkwardly, hyper-extended her knee and her face hit the ground, displacing a tooth. She was in shock but not much pain. An MRI uncovered a small fracture of the kneecap. This injury was resolved with several physio sessions, but unfortunately the wobbly tooth died and she’s booked in for a root canal. We have private health insurance but not extras cover, so Flip Kids would have been a huge help in covering our out-of-pocket expenses from this accident.
Bronwen - Isobel’s mum
Cover only when he needs it.
Blake is never still. He plays and umpires AFL, plays basketball, and cycles to school and training every day. His active lifestyle has caused many injuries. He suffers regular calf and ankle strains that need physio. He’s broken a couple of fingers playing footy and whacking his hand on a desk at school. It feels like Flip Kids was made for kids like Blake. Being able to cover him just when he’s playing sports means we can pay for cover when he’s most at risk of injuries and save our pennies in the off-season.
Jo, Blake’s mum